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New Gem Released: Instagram-rss_generator

Ever wanted an RSS feed for an Instagram account? Well now you can with our latest gem. The gem works by generating the page using phantom.js, parsing the generated page using nokogiri, and then generating a valid RSS xml document using nokogiri.

Installation, usage, and source can be found on...


Staff Engineer

Spark Summit 2014 Recap

Sharethrough recently participated in Spark Summit 2014. Our own Russell Cardullo spoke on “Spark Streaming for Realtime Auctions.”

Russell offered advice on how we make composable and re-usable Spark code, not to mention some strategies we use for testing our Spark jobs.

We wanted to mention...


Data Engineer
Director of Engineering, Exchange

Sharethrough @ Spark Summit 2014 - Spark Streaming for Realtime Auctions

Join us at Spark Summit 2014, June 30 - July 1st where Sharethrough engineer Russ will be discussing our implementation of Spark Streaming in support of our realtime decisioning engine.

Russ is up on Day 1, Track A (Applications) @ 1:30pm. In the meantime, stop by our friendly booth, say hello...


VP of Engineering

Content Will Ultimately Rule and Announcing The Native Ad Summit!

Earlier this month, Sharethrough engineer Ryan L. published a Medium piece on the tech we’ve built (and continue to build) to facilitate the creation of higher quality content-as-advertising - Content Will Ultimately Rule.

At Sharethrough, we believe the ultimate mobile advertising experience is...


VP of Engineering

New Gem Released: json-schema-rspec

We just released a gem which adds matchers to rspec for validating JSON strings against JSON schemas.

From the README:

JSON schemas are great for ensuring that changes in applications don’t break their integrations, without having to write complex integration tests or run many application environments...


Software Engineer

Finagle @ Sharethrough: Twitter #Conf Presentation

On April 3rd, Sharethrough participated in #Conf, a Twitter-hosted conference focused around the real-world usage of their impressively vast library of open source contributions. The half-day event featured terrific talks by various members of the open source community including contributors to Mesos...


Engineering Team Lead, Client

Escape from the Time Travel Lab

We occasionally take engineering field trips that involve leaving the office and making a foray into the real world. Recently we got the whole team together and went to the puzzle/team-building event Escape from the Time Travel Lab.

The premise is that your team is locked in a room for an hour...


Engineering Team Lead, Client

Elasticity 3.0.2 Released

Early this morning we released the latest version of Elasticity, the gem we use to control our Amazon Elastic MapReduce flows. For new AWS accounts, Amazon began requiring EMR jobs run inside of VPCs, requiring a “VPC Subnet ID” be set. 3.0.2 fixes an issue with respect to launching jobs when setting...


VP of Engineering

Letting It Flow with Spark Streaming

Today, Russ and Michael of the Sharethrough Engineering team are featured over on the Cloudera blog about our usage of CDH and Spark Streaming. We’ve been using Spark Streaming in production for several months now and took the opportunity to share our learnings with those transitioning over from...


VP of Engineering

What Do You Get When You Send an Engineer to Poland to Give His First Presentation?

There are two types of people: producers and consumers. Producers make things that consumers use. We as software developers are both - we build software using software. We also create and consume information: books, blog posts, and conference talks, to name a few.

I recently gave my first conference...


Software Engineer