

Elasticity 3.0.2 Released

Early this morning we released the latest version of Elasticity, the gem we use to control our Amazon Elastic MapReduce flows. For new AWS accounts, Amazon began requiring EMR jobs run inside of VPCs, requiring a “VPC Subnet ID” be set. 3.0.2 fixes an issue with respect to launching jobs when setting...

VP of Engineering

Getting Started With Scalding and Amazon Elastic MapReduce

Here at Sharethrough, we’re big consumers of Twitter’s Scalding - a Scala-based DSL providing a functional programming abstraction on top of Cascading/Hadoop. It’s a terrific way to think through workflows and with Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce service, it couldn’t be easier to get started (well it...

VP of Engineering

Elasticity 2.6 Released

Over the weekend we released the latest version of Elasticity, the gem we use to control our Amazon Elastic MapReduce flows. Two big features and a handful of incremental internal updates went in from 2.5 to 2.6 including job flow completion polling and debug support.

Completion Polling

One of...

VP of Engineering