Escape from the Time Travel Lab

We occasionally take engineering field trips that involve leaving the office and making a foray into the real world. Recently we got the whole team together and went to the puzzle/team-building event Escape from the Time Travel Lab.

The premise is that your team is locked in a room for an hour and you have to to solve a bunch of puzzles in order to get out. The room has been carefully designed so that some things are immediately obvious while others take time to make sense. I don’t want to give anything away since that would ruin it for anyone else planning on doing it - there are several different types of puzzles and many of them involve lateral thinking. The result is controlled chaos but lots of fun.

These games are notorious for being difficult to finish with less than 10% of teams escaping the room (currently only 25 out of 322 have made it). We came very close and just missed being able to escape in the 60 minutes allowed; still great fun!